Thursday, November 20, 2008

Still here....

I just realized I haven't posted in awhile. I haven't had too much time for quilting lately. The baby is due Dec. 1st and it's getting hard for me to get down the stairs to my sewing corner. I have big plans to sew this weekend, but no guarantees. Hope all is well with you!


Shari said...

Hope all goes well with your delivery. The last few weeks are always the longest!

I love the 'live traffic feed' on your blog. It is just so neat to know that people from all over the world are checking in on each other with good wishes.


Shari said...

Thanks for your kind words. Hope all goes well over the next few weeks. Feel free to email if you want. My gmail address is in my profile.

Browndirtcottage said...

that's have No business going up and down those stairs.........but then again......maybe that will hurry you lil bundle along.....just be careful!!!

thanks for your lovely comments about my hand quilting!